When you’re new to orthodontic treatment, it might feel like getting that squeaky-clean smile you’re known for is a bit harder to achieve. That’s because braces come with a learning curve, but with these tips for keeping your braces clean, you’ll nail your own oral hygiene routine in no time.
So, take some notes, screenshot this list, or highlight your favorite tips – we’re about to share the top tips from the pros.
Brush & Floss Often!
How often did you get food stuck between your teeth before you had braces? Probably only every now and then, depending on the meal. When you’re wearing braces, however, it’s much easier to get food stuck in your teeth, brackets, and wires because of all those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.
In order to keep your teeth nice and squeaky clean, you’ll need to brush often and keep the floss handy. Here’s how to use your tools to help with cleaning.
We recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush to protect your teeth and appliances from damage. It’s also important to brush all sides of your teeth—front, back, top, and bottom—to get rid of unwanted plaque.
To do so, hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to brush above and below the brackets. Spend at least two minutes brushing, and don’t forget to brush the back of your teeth, front of your brackets, and chewing surfaces.
You can also use an interdental toothbrush to clean your teeth between your brackets and wires. Remember: there are so many tools to help you brush your teeth with braces!
Try using a floss threader to pull the floss around your brackets and wires to get all sides of your teeth. Be sure to floss around every tooth! Doing this twice a day will help you maintain your oral health in the long run.
You can also try using a water flosser! These tools use a stream of water to remove debris left behind after eating and are often easier for braces patients to use than traditional floss.
Visit Your Dentist Regularly
You might think that because you’re visiting an orthodontist every few weeks, you don’t need to see your dentist. Let us be the first to tell you: you need to continue getting dental checkups throughout your orthodontic treatment!
While both your orthodontist and dentist work on your teeth, they have very different roles when it comes to taking care of your smile. Orthodontists are trained to shift your teeth in line while your dentist works to clean your teeth and help you maintain your overall oral health.
Seeing your dentist regularly will keep your smile happy and healthy throughout treatment, so don’t skip your dental appointments!
Avoid These Foods & Drinks
Not all snacks and beverages are braces-friendly. In fact, some foods can damage your teeth over time or attract cavity-causing bacteria. Try limiting the foods and drinks on this list to protect your teeth during braces treatment.
Crunchy foods like hard pretzels or hard candy could harm your braces, which could make cleaning your teeth that much harder.
Sticky foods like caramel or taffy can get stuck in your brackets and wires, risking damage and making it more difficult to keep your smile clean.
Chewy foods like bagels or gummy candy can also stick in and around your teeth, which could make brushing and flossing harder.
Drinks like juice or soda can leave behind a sugary residue that often attracts cavity-causing bacteria.
Citrusy foods or beverages can weaken the enamel on your teeth if left too long before brushing. Avoid these items to keep your teeth clean.
Rinse Between Snacks & Meals
While we recommend brushing your teeth after every meal, we know that sometimes that isn’t possible. When this is the case, rinsing is the next best way to keep your teeth clean!
You need only take a sip of water and rinse your mouth for a solid amount of time. Then, check your teeth after to make sure you’ve removed all the food particles. This can tide you over until the next time you have the opportunity to brush your teeth.
The Risks of Poor Oral Hygiene During Treatment
Keeping your teeth clean during orthodontic treatment isn’t just about feeling confident in your smile. It’s also important for your overall oral health and end results! Without following these tips, you could risk:
Developing Cavities & Longer Treatment
Even without braces, eating the wrong foods or not cleaning your teeth like you should can cause cavities. However, when you get cavities with braces, it can slow down your treatment process, making you wait longer to get the smile you want.
White Spots & Discoloration
Imagine you’re cleaning your house, and you move the couch. What do you see? The carpet is 3x brighter underneath! If you don’t keep your smile clean during treatment, a very similar thing could happen when we remove your brackets! When white spots form on your teeth during treatment, they can take away from your smile reveal, so don’t forget to brush!
Plaque Buildup & Bad Breath
It’s extra important to keep your teeth clean during orthodontic treatment because there is much more surface area for bad bacteria to latch onto. Without a proper oral hygiene routine, that bacteria could lead to plaque buildup or bad breath, and you don’t want either of those.
Love Your Smile at Hansen Miller Orthodontics
It can be tough learning how to clean your teeth with braces, but now that you’ve got this list of tips, you’ll be a pro in no time. Remember: our team is here for anything you need during your time in treatment, and we can’t wait to make you smile.
Haven’t started yet? Schedule your free consultation with us today!